5 Things You Shouldn’t Cut Corners When You Organize a Wedding

Planning a wedding is one of the most memorable and daunting experiences. While there are many things on your plate, you naturally want to take a few shortcuts to save time and money. But cutting down on a few things can spell disaster at the end of the day. Here are the things you shouldn’t skimp out on while planning the big day.

Organize a Wedding

Hiring a Wedding Planner

A wedding planner is the very opposite of skimping on cash — you are probably going to splurge more. But it’s worth every single penny. A wedding planner will help you tackle your time and budget and manage the logistics of your special day. You can sit back, relax, and watch your dream unfold. You should ideally walk into that venue knowing everything is organised beautifully. If you skimp here, you’ll be frantically running around in chaos, skipping out on some minor details.

The Venue

One of the first things that matters is your venue. If your venue is not up to your taste, then you will most definitely not enjoy it. Do you even like (“it” nem kell) to ruin your day with an inappropriate venue? No, not at all, so book a venue that meets your expectations and wishes.

Photography and Videography

Your wedding day is a whirlwind. It passes in a flash of happiness and excitement. And you need to get it captured professionally. Booking a skilled photographer and videographer guarantees you precious memories in the form of photos and clips that you can treasure for a lifetime. Imagine being able to watch your vows with your future kids, a special dance, or the smile on your parent’s face captured beautifully on a tape.


Good entertainment value, good party — this is non-negotiable. A mediocre DJ or band can dull the atmosphere. Imagine the buzz of the guests dancing all night and talking about the fun they had. Totally worth it!


No party is complete without delicious food. Believe it or not, people remember an occasion by the food that was served. Quality catering leaves a lasting impression on your family and friends. So imagine your guests reminiscing about your celebration, complimenting the feast you had to offer them. Make your day a memorable one.

Cutting Corners Wisely

While there are definitely some things you don’t want to cut costs on, some things are budget-friendly.


There are tons of ways you can save on decor. DIY-ing projects or renting out items can save you money. Buy second-hand decor, rent out supplies, or borrow from friends who just got married! That way, you can spend money on booking a wedding planner, booking your venue, or hiring your caterer!

Wedding Dress

A second-hand wedding dress can be just as beautiful as a new one. So many brides sell their new or worn-once dresses that you can buy for a fraction of the cost. Imagine getting married in a fabulous gown for a fraction of the cost.


Digital invitations are a cost-effective and eco-friendly option. Many couples are using e-invites, and the designs are simply amazing. You can send out fabulous invitations without the usual price tag.

Summing Up: Smart Planning for a Memorable Day

While planning your wedding, you need to know where you can splurge and where you should save. Aspects like wedding planning or photography, an awesome wedding venue, quality food, and entertainment are where you can’t simply save money. You need to be innovative with decoration, buy a second-hand outfit, and get digital wedding cards to save money without sympathy for your desires.

With astute planning, your wedding day will be beautiful, memorable, and stress-free.